This blog is dedicated to educate everyone about the reach of the profession named "Public Relations" on political, economical and social matters.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

"NBC Owned by GE & the FCC's Weak Policies"

PR Day 5

Howard Stern is best known for his efforts to confront the FCC's (The Federal Communications Commission, the commission which regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable) policies on censorship. Hearing Mr. Stern complaining for years and years about the fact that the FCC would not permit him to freely speak about asses and tits, you might think that the FCC is a very strict organization that does not chicken out when confronted against public figures and other organizations. HOWEVER, think again. The FCC has a powerful grip on how communications of every kind are distributed around the country, but it seems that for the right price or the right organization the FCC does not care about the fact that fair distribution of information is essential for a democratic system to function correctly.

Today I present a small video that shows that “when the FCC relaxed their policy on character qualifications in 1985, General Electric immediately bought NBC. What has been the legacy of this seemingly unholy alliance? Danny Schechter (MediaChannel), Jim Ledbetter (Village Voice), Janine Jackson (FAIR and former NBC President) Larry Grossman, explain”.

For those of you ignorant of the reach that GE has in the way America has been shaped in the last century, let me inform you that GE has been participant of the most complex strategic plan to shape the US into one of the most controlled countries in the planet. Talk about fascism and tyranny! GE has faced considerable controversy and legal battles relating to its business operations. This has included numerous legal proceedings relating to environmental pollution.

In 1983, New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams filed suit in Federal District Court to compel GE to pay for the clean-up of what was claimed to be more than 100,000 tons of chemicals dumped from their plant in Waterford.

In 1999, the company agreed to pay $250 million to the United States, Massachusetts, and Connecticut to resolve claims it polluted the Housatonic River with PCBs and other hazardous substances.
GE has also faced criminal action regarding its defense-related operations. GE was convicted in 1990 of defrauding the U.S. Department of Defense, and again in 1992 on charges of corrupt practices in the sale of weaponry to Israel.

A summary…GE controls NBC and GE is a terrible corporation that makes weapons of mass destruction and then sell these weapons to other countries, that explodes people on third world countries, including children, that pollutes the world, that creates illusory necessities in the world population in order to sell its products, that influences federal and global policies regarding pretty much everything that we see around us, but you will never hear about it in the media, because they own it as well. Do you get the point? Media consolidation and control by multinationals corporations is a cancer to democratic life.

Think about it!


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