This blog is dedicated to educate everyone about the reach of the profession named "Public Relations" on political, economical and social matters.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Disney & War Propaganda"

Public Relations Day 2

Today, I will present a film made by one organization that usually would not make you think that are involved in anything else but making children's dreams come true, namely Walt Disney. Well think twice. Walt Disney is one the five biggest media owners in the US. It's power in politics, federal and global policy development and specially news consolidation and control has been felt behind the curtains for more than 80 years now. Yes, yes Mickey Mouse is the devil as some jokingly seem to express.

For those of you that are not familiar with war propaganda, let me briefly explain the term. War propaganda is the use of public relations in order to gain power on policies that influence war development. For instance, few Americans know that there has not been one single report from any of the 20+ intelligence agencies in the US and UK about any connection between the terrorist attacks in New York and the war in Iraq. However, Rendon Group, a PR firm with high government connections due to past and present projects with several federal agencies in the US, was contracted by the Pentagon to create in the American population the illusion that there was one, in order to gain acceptance by the public to go to war against Iraq. I will present irrefutable evidence about this in the next days, so keep on reading.

A second example take us back to the fifties when the American government contracted Edward Bernays, the founder of public relations, in order to create a PR campaign that would create the illusion that the Guatemalan government, specifically his president, had connections with the communist party. After many PR stunts, including fake riots by the Guatemalan population and the deliberate placement of communist material in the presidential house, the US government gained acceptance by the American population to send the CIA to stop the communist threat. The CIA managed to killed 150,000 civilians. Yes, civilians! Unarmed people like you and me minding their own business, in order to create a new government that would follow the American way. You see the Guatemalan president had promised his followers to throw the American companies that owned 99% of the banana industry in Guatemala out of the country and give the lands back to the people. However, of course that did not go well with the US government, since Americans love their bananas and they want them cheap. Mmm, mmm, mmm, bananas!

The present video is an example of how the use of PR develops in the population the branding of a concept which later on its very, very difficult to challenge, since it becomes part of the common cultural paradigm. In this case, the US government hired Walt Disney in order to teach our grandparents how bad the nazis were. Funny thing about this video is that its main purpose is to teach you how the nazis would control their population from childhood in order to develop more controllable soldiers later on. The satirical part of course is that that’s exactly what this video is doing. It is trying and it was very successful on its own time and up to now to convince the American child on how bad the nazi’s ideology was and still is. I DO NOT condone any of the nazi’s past and present actions of any kind, in case that some of you guys started to think that I am a Hitler’s ass kisser. However, this video let me explain you how war propaganda works and how twisted it is.

Enjoy the show!


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