This blog is dedicated to educate everyone about the reach of the profession named "Public Relations" on political, economical and social matters.

Friday, January 19, 2007

“Oil Addiction Does not Equal Weapons of Mass Destruction"

As promised, today I will present a video that shows interviews with intelligence agencies’ representatives and media leaders, reports and other evidence that shows how the war in Iraq had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks in New York and how although Saddam Hussein was a tyrant, that does not justify the 35,000 civilians (that’s the number reported by the mass media outlets; however, alternative media outlets have estimated the number closer to 75,000) that have been killed in Iraq so far just so Americans can keep feeding their addiction for oil.

As I mentioned in my last bulletin, Rendon Group, a PR firm with government connections was hired for a $7 million contract, in order to convince the American population that there had been a link between Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. From fake videos, reports copied from a college student’s assignment, false mass media news, intelligence agencies’ censorships, false presentations by the Secretary of Defense to the UN and other PR tools the US government convinced its population that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that constituted a threat to the US. False, oh so false.

You see, the area around Iraq, namely Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel are hot oil spots. Top global countries including Russia, France, England and of course the US have tried desperately to control the area, since the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) decided to take control over oil prices, against the US and other first world countries’ desires. The first war against Iraq was a loss for George Bush senior. He tried and tried to take over Iraq for any reason whatsoever after Iran was liberated, but he failed. The 9-11 attacks were the perfect opportunity for his son to conquer his father’s dream. That’s why some people believe that the 9-11 attacks were actually orchestrated by the US government itself; although, as a matter of fact, the evidence points to other criminal organizations. Not a lot of people know that below the two towers there were more than 1,000 million dollars and that only 200 million were recovered after the attack. So the main reason for the attacks were not a fundamentalist hatred episode against the US, but one of the biggest robberies of all time. In case you have not heard either, Osama Bin Laden was treated at a military hospital controlled by the US government weeks before the attacks. In addition, the Bin Laden family were the only individuals allowed to fly out of the country the day of the attacks after the US government had decided to prohibit any, and I repeat ANY fly to take off in US grounds. Why? Because the Bin Ladens have had “legal” connections with the Bush family for decades. I mean Osama was trained by the CIA when Bush’s father was the director as well, so all was kept within the family.

Rendon Group was also contracted later on to help the US government in their campaign to erase Afghanistan from the American’s word of mouth. Does any media outlet talks about it anymore? Do you discuss or ask yourself what happened after the US attacks in Afghanistan? If your answer is no, then you are part of the Rendon Group’s successful PR campaign. Many intelligence agencies in the US claimed that a war against Iraq at the moment that we were fighting against Afghanistan was a mistake. Split your army in two and you will become twice as weak, it is not rocket science, but that did not matter either, since the US government had already made up its mind. So keep on watching your American Idol, Top Next Model, Fox News or your football games and worrying about how are you going to buy beer tomorrow, that’s one more point in favor to the people in control of your life, so who cares, right?

Today I present this video, so you guys can get an idea on how a war, the concept of terrorism in US soil and the changes in dozens and dozens of federal policies including new national security policies against immigrants and also US citizens had been modified thanks to the power of public relations. I don’t know if you are aware, but a couple of months ago the Bush administration signed a new bill that permits the government to take ANYONE into custody without giving the person any rights whatsoever. Forget about the line “let me talk to my lawyer first”. In US soil that’s a thing of the past. Also, any, ANY communication that you have with others can and most likely is monitored by the government and you can’t do anything about it thanks to the new policies implemented after the war, so be careful about what you say over the phone, via text messages, mail or e-mail. This is not a conspiracy theory any longer, it is a fact.

Please follow this link in order to watch this video

Note: you need to update your Real Player and the video seem to only work using the Internet Explorer browser.


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